How can I contact you to get help or send love notes?
Read over these FAQs below as your question will hopefully be answered.
If you have billing problems or something that isn't answered here, please email us
We will get to it as soon as we can, unless we are down at the local bar or playing this case it will take a bit longer to reply.
So just what is your retention and completion?
Our retention and completion is nothing to shake a stick at. While others may play games with their retention numbers, rest assured, we provide large retention access AND solid completion where it counts. Our retention also covers the majority of all Usenet traffic. This makes us the best usenet value on the market.
If you are a Mr. Moneybags and subscribe to us for a yearly product that includes it, we provide out of the goodness of our cold heart, a free block account from Blocknews.Net with each yearly payment. Your redemption code will be sent automatically 2-3 days after successful payments.
What are the addresses of the news servers?
Throw one of our 4 main servers located around the world into your newsreader and you will be up and running in no time.
- - US East Coast
- - US West Coast
- - AMS
- - Australia
- - Asia
- - South America
***Our "Bonus" server can be added as a backup server to the above servers using the address***
Since we are soooo cool, you can also connect to us via IPv6 if your newsreader and ISP gets with the times and supports it. Addresses are:
- - Asia
- - South America
My ISP is junk and I need alternate ports, what are they?
You can use any of the following ports: 20, 23, 53, 119, 443, 2000, 8080, 9000, 9001, 9002
"Bonus" server ports are: 80 or 119
How do I connect using SSL?
Well, you need an SSL capable newsreader. Enable SSL by following your newsreader instructions. You may use either port 563 or 5563.
"Bonus" server SSL ports are: 443 or 563
Are there any download limits?
The "Bonus" server has a download limit of 1,000 GBs per calendar month.
How can I post awesome things to Usenet?
Use your favorite Usenet posting program with the server addresses mentioned above.
Do you accept that new thing called Crypto for payment?
For some reason, yes we do!
Please Click Here For A List of Cryptos We Currently Accept
Will you refund my money to me for any reason?
We will not because we probably already spent it on things that will harm our health, but if things are really messed up, we can work something out.
Will you record or monitor all the secret things I do on Usenet?
Oh heck no.
Will my account automatically re-bill each and every month or year?
Yup, if you choose one of our subscription based product you will get rebilled every month or every year, depending on the option you choose. If it gets to be to much though, you can sign into your paypal account and cancel. If you wish to have just 1 month or year at a time, with no rebilling, please choose that product.
Do you offer anything besides Usenet access?
No way. Unlike the others, we are not going to inflate our prices real high to offer something no one will have interest in anyways.
Do you limit how fast I can download my news from you?
Nope, the only limit is that little modem of yours.
How come I can not max out my 40 gigabit internet connection?
There are way to many variables that will affect speed (a lot of this has to do with your hardware as well). What you get with us using our max connections offered is usually what you can expect to get all the time...unless we broke something but that will always get fixed ASAP.
Can I share my account with all my friends and the entire dorm at the local university?
No. Nope. No way. Absolutely not. We don't like sharing anything. While you can not share with your friends, why not tell them about us and our great prices?
I see, does that mean I can share my account?
See above! Also, when the system detects sharing you will be locked out for an hour.